Poulianos G. N. (1922) - The traditional dance of Ikaria Island (in Greek)

Gardikas Ch. (1939) - Bauxite deposits of Macedonia. The bauxite from Creni-Chalkidiki. Ed. of Thessaloniki Un., Sch. Phys. & Math.: 1-12.

Staggos Ch. (1959) - The Petralona Cave of Thessaloniki is of exceptional archaeological interest. (Historically the first announcement of the Petralona Cave discovery). Newsp., "Ethnos" 20-6-1959.

Petrocheilos J. (1959 a) - Similar to the famous "Cane" Cave of Italy -The Petralona Cave at Chalkidiki. Newsp. "Ethnos" (22-6-1959).

Petrocheilos J. (1959 b) - Observations on the Petralona Caves - Preliminary report. Inst. of Geology and Subsurface Research. Athens. Ministry of Co-ordination. Archive No 748.

Petrocheilos J. (1960 a) - Report of the observations on the Petralona Caves. Inst. of Geology and Subsurface Research. Athens, Ministry of Co-ordination. Archive. No 784.

Petrocheilos J. (1960 b) - Report of the observations on the Petralona Caves. Deltion Ellinikis Spileologikis Eterias, V (5-6): 140-148. Athens.

Unknown (1960) - Skull and bones of a human lived many thousands years ago has been found in Chalkidiki. "Macedonia" newsp, 18th Sept. (Historically, the first publication of the Petralona Man discovery).

Poulianos A. N. (1960) - The origin of the Greeks. Ph.D Thesis at Moscow Institute of Anthropology. Reprinted in Athens at 1962, 1965, 1968, 1988.

Poulianos A. N. (1961) - Discovery of a skull of Palaeolithic Man in Greece. Voprossi Anthropologhii, 8:162.

Kokkoros P. & A.Kanellis (1960/1) - Decuverte d'un crane d' Homme Palaeolithique dans la Peninsule Chalcidique. L´Anthropologie, 64 (5-6): 438-448.

VETSIERNAJA MOSKVA: 22-03-1961 Zachita disertatsii -  Announcement of defending the dissertation thesis of Aris Poulianos in Moscow University
"Βραδυνή Μόσχα": 22-03-1961 Zachita disertatsii -  Ανακοίνωση για την υπεράσπιση του διδακτορικού από τον  Άρη Πουλιανό στo Παν/μιο  Μόσχας - πρβλ. ανωτέρω
Απρίλ. 1961 ΗΩΣ τέχος αρ.45: Το σπήλαιο  Κόκκινων Πετρών   Χαλκιδικής Α. Πετροχείλου

Petrocheilou A. (1961) - The Chalkidiki red rocks cave. Journal IOS, v. 45. April.

Petrocheilou A. (1962) - The Cave of the "Red Rocks" (Petralona Chalkidiki). No 1044. Athens. Bulletin (Deltion) de la Societe Speleologique de Grece, VI(7-8): 1-9. Athina.

Kanellis A. (1962) - To spileo ton Petralonon. "To Vouno", 227: 91-102. Thessaloniki.

Urisson M. I. (1962) - Skull of Palaeolithic Man from Petralona, Greece. Voprossi Anthropologhii, 9: 117-121. Moscow.

Poulianos A. N. (1963) - New Palaeolithic finds of Greece. Sov. Arheologhia, 2: 227-229.

Bostanci E. (1964) - An examination of a Neanderthal type fossil skull in the Chalcidique Peninsula. Belleten, 28: 377-381. Ankara.

Breitinger E. (1964) - Der Neanderthaler von Petralona. Communication at the 7th International Congress of Anthropological and Enthnological Sciences, Moscow. August 1964.

Kanellis A. (1964) - To spileo ke o Paleolithikos Anthropos ton Petralonon. "To Vouno", 238: 97-106.

Petrocheilou A. (1964) - The Cave of the "Red Rocks" (Petralona Chalkidiki). No 1044. Athens. Bulletin de la Societe Speleologique de Grece, VI(6): 160-166.

Sickenberg O. (1964) - Die saugetierfauna der Hohle Petralona bei Thessaloniki (preliminary report). Athen. Institute for Geology and Subsurface Research, IX(1): 3-16.

Kanellis A. & A. Savvas (1965) - Craniological study of Homo neanderthalensis of Petralona. Epist. Epetiris of the Fisic. - Matem. School of University of Thessaloniki, 9:65-92.

Marinos G., P. Giannoulis & L. Sotiriadis (1965) - Palaeoanthropological research at the Petralona Cave Chalkidiki. Epist. Epetiris of the Fisic - Matem. Fac. of Thessaloniki University, 9: 140-204.

Petrocheilos J. (1965) - Decouverte de restes de mammiferes du Quaternaire Moyen dans la region de Petralona en Chalkidiki. Third Inter. Cong. of Spelaeology, Section III 37-38. Sept. 1961. Gratz. (Comment: this article must have being sent to the congress committee by A. Petroceilou, since her husband J. Petrocheilos died in January 1960).

Poulianos A. N. (1965) - On the position of the Petralona Man within Palaeoanthropi. Sov. Ethnografia, 2: 91-99.

Poulianos A. N. (1967) - The place of the Petralonian man among Palaeoanthropi. Anthropos C 19, (N.S.11): 216-221. Akten Anthropologischen Kongresses Brno.

Poulianos A. N. (1968) - Finds of 500-900.000 years in Petralona cave. Press, Thessaloniki 18-4, Athens, 19-4 - 1968.

Kanellis A. & G. Marinos (1969) - Die Hohle von Petralona. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Spelaeology. Yugoslavia (12-26 Sept. 1965), Ljubljana.

Poulianos A. N. (1969) - Climatic fluctuations of the Middle Pleistocene as indicated in a trial cross-section of the Petralona Cave. Report to the VIIth International Congress of Quaternary. Paris. Resumes des Communications: Section 5: 141.

Melentis (1971) - Petralona Cave. In the "History of the Greek Nation". Ed. Athens Ac. Sc.

Poulianos A. N. (1971) - Petralona: A middle Pleistocene Cave in Greece. Archaeology, 24: 6-11.

Shutt G. (1971) - Die Hyenen der mosbacher Sande (Altpleistozan Wiesbaden/Hessen) mit einen beitrag zur Stammesgeschichte der Gattung Crocuta. Mainz Naturv. Arch., 10: 29-76.

Sickenberg O. (1971) - Revision der Wirbeltierfauna der Hohle Petralona (Grieschenland). Annales Geologiques des Pays Helleniques, 23: 230-264.

Hemmer H. (1972) - Notes sur la position phyletique de l'homme de Petralona. Anthropologie, 76: 155-162.

Petrocheilou A. (1972) - The Cave of the "Red Rocks" (Petralona, Chalkidiki). No 1044. Athens. Bulletin de la Societe Speleologique de Grece, XI(7): 160-164.

Poulianos A. N. (1972) - Some "sapiens" features of the Petralona skull (abstract) in: F. Bordes (Ed.) The Origin of Homo sapiens. Proc. Paris Symposium, Sept. 1969, organised by UNESCO with INQUA, Paris, UNESCO.

Poulianos A. N. (1973) - Sarakatsani the most ancient people of Europe. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Chicago.

Shutt G. (1973) - Revision der Cuon - und Xenocyon - Funde (Carnivora, Mammalia) aus den Altpleistozan Mosbacher Sanden (Wiesbaden, Hessen). Mainz. Naturw. Arch., 12: 49-77.

Corruccini R.S.(1974) - Calvarial shape relationships between fossil hominids. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 18: 89-109.

Hemmer H. (1974) - Untersuchungen zur Stammesgeschichte der PanterKatzen (Pantherinae). Teil III. Zur Aztgescichte des Lowen Panthera panthera leo (Lennaeus 1758). Verof. Zool. Staatssamlg., 17: 167-280.

Poulianos A. N. (1974) - The 9th International Congress of Anthropology (in Greek). Anthropos, 1: 105 - 106.

Schott L. (1974) - Der Petralona-Schadel-ein klassicher Neandertaler? Biologische Rundschau, 12: 393-397.

Shutt G. (1974) - Die Carnivoren von Wursburg - Schalksberg. Mit einem Beitrag zur Biostratigraphischen und zoogeographischen Stellung der Altpleistozan Wirbeltierfaunen (Unterfanken). N. Jahrb. Geol. Pal. Abh., 147: 61-90.

Stringer G. B. (1974a) - Population relationships of later Pleistocene Hominids. A multivariate study of available crania. J. Arch. Science, 1: 317-342.

Stringer C. B. (1974b) - A multivariate study of the Petralona skull. Journal of Human Evolution, 3: 397-404.

Hemmer H. (1975) - Notes on the phylogenetic position of the Petralona man. J. Human Evolution, 4: 457-459.

Murrill R.I. (1975) - A comparison of the Rhodesian and Petralona upper jaws in relation to other Pleistocene hominids. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 66(2): 176-187. Stuttgart.

Poulianos A. N. (1975) - Palaeoanthropological excavations at Petralona. Prakt. Archaeol. Et.: 131-136. Athens.

Poulianos A.N. (1976 a) - Stratigraphy and Cultural Sequence at Petralona Cave. Report to the IXth International Congress of Prehistory. Sept., 1976. Nice.

Poulianos A. N. (1976 b) - Archanthropus europaeus petraloniensis. Colloque de Taxonomie Anthropologique, Bordeaux. Sept.10-11, 1976. Universite de Bordeaux I. Talence Laboratoire d' Anthropologie.

Ikeya M. (1977) - Electron Spin Resonance dating and Fission Track Detection of Petralona stalagmite. Athens. Anthropos, 4: 152-168.

Kretzoi M. (1977) - The Fauna of Small Vertebrates of the Middle Pleistocene at Petralona. Athina. Anthropos, 4: 131-143.

Kurtén B. & A. N. Poulianos (1977) - New Stratigraphic and Faunal material from Petralona Cave - with special reference to the Carnivora. Athens. Anthropos, 4: 47-130.

Papamarinopoulos St. (1977) - The first known European? Bulletin, University of Edinburgh, 13 (10): 1-3. April 27.

Poulianos A. N. (1977 a) - Stratigraphy and age of the Petralonian Archanthropus. Anthropos, 4: 37-46. Athens.

Poulianos A.N. (1977 b) - Traces of fire at the Petralona Cave, the oldest known up to day. Anthropos, 4: 144-146. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1977 c) - Petralonian Archanthropus was right handed. Anthropos, 4: 147-151. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1977) - New data on the stratigraphy of Petralona Cave. Proceedings of the 7th Int. Spel. Congress. Sheffield: 366-367.

Ikeya M.(1978 a) - Electron Spin Resonance as a Method of Dating. Archaeomety, 20: 147-158.

Ikeya M. (1978 b) - Natural radiation at Petralona Cave. Athens. Anthropos 5: 54-59.

Kordos L. (1978) - Sedimentological study of the Middle Pleistocene fill of Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 5: 60-73. Athina.

Papamarinopoulos St. (1978) - Limnomagnetic studies on Greek sediments. Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh.

Poulianos A. N. (1978 a) - Correction of the English text on the summary article "Stratigraphy and Age of the Petralonian Archanthropus". Published in Anthropos, 1977 n.4 pp. 44-46. Anthropos 5: 263-265. Athens.

Poulianos A.N. (1978 b) - The oldest artefacts in Petralona cave. Anthropos (Athens), 5: 74-80.

Poulianos A. N., N. A. Poulianos & E. Mikha (1978) - Open site artefacts in the vicinity of Petralona and their comparison with modern Greek stone implements for threshing. Anthropos, 5: 81-97. Athens.

Poulianos N.A. (1978) - A new Archanthropic Inion parietal bone of Petralona Cave. Reported to the 10th Inter. Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, New Delhi, Dec. 10-21 (confront A. N. Poulianos 1980d, present).

Fortelius M. & N. A. Poulianos (1979) - Dicerorhinus cf. hemitoechus from the Middle Pleistocene Cave at Petralona. Anthropos, 6: 15-43. Athens.

Ikeya M. & A.N. Poulianos (1979) - E.S.R. Age of the trace of fire at Petralona. Athens. Anthropos, 6: 44-47.

Liritzis Y. (1979) - Thermoluminoscence and U234/Th230 dating Investigation of Hellenic Artefacts. Ph. D. Thesis. University Edinburgh.

Melentis J. (1979) - The species and age determination of the man from Khalkidhiki Petralona cave (in Greek). Mem. Soc. Hell. Antbrop., 48: 63-66.

Poulianos A.N. (1979) - The area of South Eastern Europe and the appearance of the Homo sapiens. Athens. Anthropos, 6: 9-14.

Stringer C. B., C. F. Howell & J. K. Melentis (1979) - The significance of the fossil hominid skull from Petralona. Journal of Archaeological Science, 235-253.

Fortelius M. & N. A. Poulianos (1980) - Errata of "Dicerorhinus cf. hemitoechus from the Middle Pleistocene Cave at Petralona" (:Anthropos 6: 15-43, 1979). Anthropos, 7: 324-325. Athens.

Gantt, D., Xirotiris, N., Kurten, B. & Melentis, ]., (1980) - The Petralona dentition - Hominid or Cave Bear? - Journal of Human Evolution, London, 9: 483-487. Note: A letter has being sent to the Anthropological Association of Greece by Bjorn Kurten with regard to the fake intrusion of his name in the specific article.

Gray G.K.(1980) - Humanisation and the origin of Political Economy. Anthropos, 7: 296-309. Athens.

Hennig G.J., U. Bangert, W.Herr & A.N. Poulianos (1980) - Uranium Series dating and T L Ages of Spelaeothem from Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 7: 174-214. Athens.

Ikeya M. (1980) - ESR dating of Carbonates at Petralona Cave. Athens. Anthropos, 7: 143-151.

Liritzis Y. (1980) - U/230 - Th/234 dating of Spelaeothems in Petralona. Anthropos, 7: 215-241. Athens.

Liritzis Y. & Poulianos A. N. (1980) - A radiation survey of Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 7: 252-259. Athens.

Murrill R. (1980) - New measurements on the face of the Petralona fossil hominid skull. Anthropos, 7: 40-41. Athina.

Poulianos A. N. (1980 a) - Lower and Middle Pleistocene climatic fluctuations at Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 7: 42-80. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1980 b) - The Archanthropus of Petralona is Autochthonous. Anthropos, 7: 7-11. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1980 c) - The post-cranial skeleton of the Archanthropus europaeus petraloniensis. Anthropos 7:13-33. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1980 d) - A new fossilised inion-parietal bone in Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 7: 34-39. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1980 e) - The Petralona finds. Thessaloniki. Yearbook of the Society of Macedonian Studies: 65-76.

Poulianos A. N. & G. P. Bhat (1980) - Stone Age reconnaissance around Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 7: 260-273. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1980) - Bone tools from the Mausoleum of Archanthropus. Anthropos, 7: 274-278. Athens.

Schwarcz H.P., Y. Liritzis & A. Dixon (1980) - Absolute dating of travertines from the Petralona Cave, Chalkidiki Peninsula - Greece. Anthropos, 7: 152-173. Athens.

Stringer C. B. (1980) - Phylogenetic position of the Petralona Cranium. Anthropos, 7: 81-95. Athina.

Wolpoff M.H. (1980) - Cranial remains of Middle Pleistocene European hominids. Journal of Human Evolution, 9: 339-358. London.

Chiarelli B. (1981) - Letter. Anthropos, 8: 6-7. Athens.

Hennig G.J., U. Bangert, W. Herr & A.N. Poulianos (1981 a) - Errata of "Uranium Series dating and T L Ages of Spelaeothem from Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 7: 174-214". Anthropos, 8: 235. Athens.

Hennig G. J., W. Herr, E. Weber & N.I. Xirotiris (1981 b) - ESR dating of the fossil hominid cranium from Petralona Cave. Nature, 292: 533-536.

Ikeya M. & T. Miki (1981) - ESR Archaeological Dose of Petralona and Choukoutien bones. Athens. Anthropos, 8: 95-106.

Karakostanoglou I. (1981 a) - Archaeologists, dating and their role in Archaeology. Anthropos, 8: 107-120. Athens.

Karakostanoglou I. (1981 b) - Allegation and truth. Anthropos, 8: 121-141. Athens.

Kretzoi M. & N.A. Poulianos (1981) - Remarks on the Middle and Lower Pleistocene Vertebrate Fauna in the Petralona Cave. Athens. Anthropos, 8: 57-72.

Kurtén B. & A.N. Poulianos (1981) - Fossil Carnivora of Petralona Cave: Status 1980. Athens. Anthropos, 8: 9-56.

Murrill R.I. (1981) - Petralona Man. Ed. Charles C. Thomas. Illinois, pp. 284.

Poulianos A.N. (1981 a) - The old entrance of the Archanthropinae into the Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 8: 74-79. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1981 b) - Microhistological and macroscopic investigation of post-cranial bones of the Petralonian Archanthropus. Anthropos, 8: 80-83. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1981 c) - Pre - sapiens Man in Greece. Current Anthropology, 22 (3): 287-288.

Poulianos A. N. (1981 d) - Climatic fluctuations at Petralona Cave. Terra Cognita

Poulianos N. A. (1981 a) - New Rhino findings from the Crenian Period of Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 8: 84-90. Athens.

Poulianos N. A.(1981 b) - Ways of selection Microfauna. Anthropos 8: 91-94. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1981 c) - The Archanthropinae of Petralona Cave. Proceedings of the 8th Int. Congress of Spelaeology. July 18-24, 1981, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky: 508-510. Ed: B.F.Beck, Dep. of Geol., Georgia.

Wolpoff M. H. (1981) - Palaeoanthropology, Ed. A. Knopf Inc., NY, pp. 379.

Bonis L. de & J.Melentis (1982) - L'homme de Petralona, comparisons avec l'homme de Tautavel. 1er Congress Int. de Paleont. Humaine - Nice: 847-869.

Cook J., C.B. Stringer, A.R. Currant, H.P. Schwarcz & A.G. Wintle (1982) - A review on the Chronology of the European Middle Pleistocene Hominid Record. Yearbook Phys. Anthropology, 25: 19-65.

Day M. (1982) - Letter to Nature, 300.

Hennig G. J. & W. Herr & E. Weber & N.I.Xirotiris (1982) - Letter to Nature, 299: 281-282.

Ikeya M. (1982) - Letter to Nature, 299: 280-281.

Jelinek J. (1982) - The position of the Anteneanderthals amongst the hominids. 1er Congress Int. de Paleont. Humaine- Nice: 937-948.

Kurtén B. (1982) - Unpublished letter to the Anthropological Association of Greece (consernig Nature - 1982).

Liritzis Y. (1982) - Letter to Nature, 299: 280 - 281.

Lumley M. A. De, A. N. Poulianos & N. A. Poulianos (1982) - Les trois cranes d'Homo erectus europiens: Petralona, Tautavel, Steinheim. 1er Congress International de Paleontologie Humaine, Resumes des Communications, 16-21 Oct., Nice.

Poulianos A. N. (1982 a) - The Cave of the Petralonian Archanthropinae. Athens-Petralona. Library of AAG. pp.80.

Poulianos A. N. (1982 b) - Once more on the age and stratigraphy of the Petralonian Man. Abstracts of the proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Anthropology. Athens-Petralona. Anthropos, 9:9.

Poulianos A. N. (1982 c) - Letter. Nature, 299: 280.

Poulianos N. A. (1982) - Dynamics of biostratigraphy of Petralona Cave. 1er Congress International de Paleontologie Humaine. Resumes des Communications, 16-21 Oct. 1982. Nice (confront also N. A. Poulianos 1983a, c).

Protsch R., N. Xirotiris, W. Henke, G. Henning & M. Schultz (1982) - Petralona. Analysis based on the cleaned splachnocranium and neurocranium. 1er Congress Inter. de Paleontologie Humaine, Resumes des Communications, 16-21 Oct., Nice.

Stringer C.B. (1982) - Book Review "The Petralona Man" by Murrill. BIOTEST, Bull. 1 (2): 156-157.

Ullrich H. (1982) - Interpretations of artificial injuries on fossil human bones, with special reference to Petralona skull. Abstracts of the proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Anthropology. Anthropos, 9: 24. Petralona.

Wintle A.G. & J.A. Jacobs (1982) - A Critical Review of the Dating Evidence for Petralona Cave. Journal of Archaeological Science, 9: 39-47.

Xirotiris N. (1982) - Der Schadel von Petralona - Wirklichkeit und Fantasie. Deltion (S.S.H.), XVIII (1,2). Athens.

Xirotiris N.I. & Melentis J. (1982) - New studies on the Petralona skull. Anthropological Congress of Universitae Carolina Pragensis. Proceedings: 437-440.

Xirotiris N. & E. Vlcek (1982) - Arago et Petralona:comparisons de l'endocrane. 1er Congress Inter. de Paleontologie Humaine, Resumes des Communications, 16-21 Oct., Nice.

Xirotiris N., Henke W. & G.J. Hennig (1982) - Die phylogenetische Stellung des Petralona Schaedels auf Grund computer romographischer Ana1ysen und der absoluten Datierung mit der ESR-Methode Humanbiol. - Budapestinensis, 9: 89-94.

Yokoyama Y., J. Quaegebeur, R. Bibron, C. Leger, Zouridakis N.M. & Guan Jun Shen (1982) - ESR and U/Th dating of Petralona Man's site. Abstracts of the proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Anthropology. Anthropos, 9: 11. Petralona.

Delibassis I., Papadopoulos G. & E. Patiniotis (1983) - Resolution of the 1st Penellenic Anthropological Congress held at Petralona, October 1-3, 1982. Anthropos, 10: 5-6. Athens.

Evaggelatos N. (1983) - Metafora ton epifaniakon isimaton tou kentrikou konou trofodosias pros to katotero klado tou spileou Petralonon. Deltion Ellinikis Spileologikis Eterias: 199-215.

Gerassimova M.M., Lebedinskaja G.V. & G.L. Heet (1983) - The 3rd European Anthropological Congress. Sov. Ethnographia (Records), 6: 111-114.

Gray G. K. (1983) - Behaviour during humanisation. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 205-216.

Jelinek J, Huizinga J. &. Bielicki T. (1983) - Resolution of the 3rd European Anthropological Congress. The Proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 3-4. Athens.

Kurtén B. (1983) - The age of Petralona Man. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Athens. Anthropos, 10: 16-17.

Kurtén B. (1983) - Faunal sequence in Petralona Cave. Anthropos, 10: 53-59.

Moigne A.M. (1983) - Macrofauna of la Caune de l'Arago Tautavel France. Anthropos, 10: 257-260.

Murrill R.I. (1983) - On the dating of the fossil hominid Petralona Skull. The Proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 12-15. Athina.

Poulianos A. N. (1983) - On the Stratigraphy and Dating of the Petralonian Man. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 49-52. Athina.

Poulianos N. A. (1983 a) - Biostratigraphy and tool distribution of Petralona Cave. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 74-87. Athens-Petralona.

Poulianos N. A. (1983 b) - Bone tools from Petralona Cave. Proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 463-482. Athens-Petralona.

Poulianos N. A. (1983 c) - Faunal and Tool distribution in the layers of Petralona Cave, with special reference to Microfauna. Journal of Human Evolution, 12: 743-746.

Protsch R. (1983) - Two letters to the Anthr. Ass. of Greece. (23-11-1982), (22-8-1983). The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Athens. Anthropos, 10: 7-11.

Stout S.D. (1983) - The application of histomorphometric analysis to ancient skeletal remains. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 60-71.Athina.

Stringer C.B. (1983) - Some further notes on the Morphology and the Dating of the Petralona hominid. ?

Van Vark Gerrit N. (1983) - On the Phylogenetic position of the Petralona Skull. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 10: 88-92. Athina.

Christaras V. (1984) - The geology of the Katsika mountain (Chalkidiki) bauxite deposits. PhD thesis Thessaloniki Un.

Petrocheilou A. (1984) - The Greek Caves. Ed. Athinon, pp. 160.

Protsch R. (1984) - Book review: The Petralona man by Murril. - Am. J. Phys. Anthropology, 63(3): 335-336.

Ullrich H. (1984) - Petralona - eine rituelle Schadelbestattung ? EAZ Ethnogr. - Archaeol. Z., 25: 585-627.

Poulianos N. A. (1985) - (Editing) Anthropologikes Sympligades. Athens, pp. 370.

Day M. (1986) - Guide to fossil man. London: Cassell.

Meteorological National Service (1986) - Dep. of Climatology and Statistics (years 1961-1986). Airport of Athens. Greece.

Papastefanou C., Manolopoulou M., Savvides E. & S. Charalambous (1986 a) - Dose rate measurements in Petralona Cave for Archanthropus dating. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 11: 41-48. Athina.

Papastefanou C., Manolopoulou M., Savvides E. & Charalambous S. (1986 b). Natural radiarion dose in Petralona Cave. - Health Phys., 50: 281-286.

Poulianos A. N. (1986) - The stature of the Petralonian Archanthropus. Proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congress. Athens. Anthropos, 11: 14-22.

Poulianos A. N. & Poulianos N. A. (1986) - "Print" of a flower in Petralona Cave. The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congresses. Anthropos, 11: 90-93. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1986) - Letter to Current Anthropology (in "our readers write"), 27 (2): 150.

Protsch R. (1986) - Letter to Anthr. Ass. of Greece. (27-8-1985). The proceedings of the 3rd European and 1st Panhellenic Anthropological Congress. Athens. Anthropos, 11: 12-13.

Shen Guanjun & Yuji Yokoyama (1986) - Th230/U 234 dating of Petralona spelaeothems. Anthropos, 11: 33-40. Athens.

Papamarinopoulos S., Readman P., Maniatis Y. & Simopoulos (1987) - Paleomagnetic and mineral magnetic studies of sediments from Petralona Cave, Greece. Archaeometry, 29 (1) :50-59.

Poulianos N.A. (1987 a) - Conditions of leaving of Archanthropinae in Chalkidiki. Proceedings of the 1st Panellenic Symposium of History and Archaeology of Chalkidiki: 59-64. Polygyros, 7-9 Dec. 1984.

Poulianos N. A. (1987 b) - Petralonian Microfauna - Status 1987. Abstracts of the 2nd International Congress of Palaeoanthropology 28 Sept.-3 Oct.Torino 1987. J. Hum. Ev. 10: 147-160.

Belluomini G., L. Delitala, A.N. Poulianos & N.A.Poulianos (1988) - Epimerization ages of fossil teeth from Petralona Cave (Northern Greece). Abstracts of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. May 27-29, Athens 1988. Report published under the title: The Man of Petralona, an estimated age by amino acid racemization dating. Anthropos 12: 59-64. Athens, 1990.

Christaras V. (1988) - Zur Bestimmung lithostratigraphisher Grenzen in bauxitfuhrenden kalken mit Hilte der Bor-Gehaltes am Beispiel des Katsikaberges (Chalkidiki, Nord-Griechenland). Beitrage zur Landes kunde von Griechenland III. Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten, Band 16:1-6, Abb 2, Saltzburg.

Henemberg M. (1988) - Letter to Current Anthropology, 29 (5): 738.

Horacek I. & N.A. Poulianos (1988) - Further data on bats of the Early Pleistocene site, Petralona, Greece. Abstracts of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. May 27-29, Athens 1988. Published in Anthropos, 12: 50-58. Athens.

Ikeya M. (1988 a) - E.S.R. Age of Petralona materials. Proceedings of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. May 27-29, Athens 1988. Published in Anthropos 12: 19-28. Athens 1990.

Ikeya M. (1988 b) - E.S.R. Age of Petralona cranium and carbonates. Proceedings of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. May 27-29, Athens 1988. Published in Anthropos 12: 29-35. Athens 1990.

Kordos L. (1988) - The appearance in Europe of the genus Spalax (Rodentia) and the problem of the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. M. All. Fold. Int. Evi Jelentese : 469-491.

Kretzoi M. & N. Poulianos - (1988) - Microtus praeguentheri and its stratigraphic position in the Petralona Cave. Abstracts of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. Athens 1988. May 27-29, (in press).

Kurtén B.(1988) - Faunal sequence of the Pleistocene and the dating of the Petralonian Archanthropus. Abstracts of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. Athens 1988. May 27-29. Published under the title Hyenas and the Age of the Petralona fauna. Anthropos 12: 15-18. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1988) - The peopling of Europe. Abstracts, 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. July 25-31, 1988, Zagreb. (in press).

Poulianos N. A. (1988 a) - Dating Petralona Cave finds. Abstracts of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. May 27-29, Athens 1988. (in press).

Poulianos N. A. (1988 b) - The fossil Lagurini of Petralona Cave. Abstracts of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology. May 27-29, Athens 1988. (in press).

Poulianos N. A. (1988 c) - Petralona Cave within Lower - Middle Pleistocene sites. Abstracts, 12th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. July 25-31, 1988, Zagreb. (confront N. A. Poulianos 1989a, 1990).

Poulianos N. A. (1988 d) - The Lower- Middle Pleistocene climate of Europe and its significance for Palaeoanthropology. 6th Congress of the European Anthropological Association. September 5-8, 1988. Budapest, Hungary.

Stringer C. B. (1988 a) - Encyclopaedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory. Ed. I. Tattersall, E. Delson & J. Van Couvering. Garland Publ. New York & London.

Stringer C. B. (1988 b) - Oral on human evolution. 12th Int.Congress Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Zagreb, July 25-31, 1988.

Susanne C., Hauser G. & M. J. Roede (1988) - Resolution of the 6th European Congress of Anthropology, Budapest, Sept. 1988. Published in Anthropos 12: 307-316. Athens.

Le Floch-Prigent N. (1989 - Scannographie du crane de Petralona: coupes systematiques dans les trois plans; premiere partie: resultats morphologiques. - C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 309 (Ð): 1855-1862.

Papastefanou C. & Charalambous S. (1989) - Dating of spelaeothems by radiological merhods. - Nucl. Instr. & Meth. Phys. Res. A 281: 406409.

Poulianos N. A. (1989 a) - Petralona Cave within Lower-Middle Pleistocene sites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 73: 287-294.

Poulianos N. A. (1989 b) - Further data on the Lower-Middle Pleistocene Petralona Cave. Proceedings of the 10th Int. Spelaeological Congress: 785-787. Ed. T. Hazslinsky - Takacsne Bolner, Budapest.

Poulianos N. A. (1989 c) - Il sito di Petralona e la sua rilevanza per il popolamento umano europeo durante il Pleistocene medio-inferiore. Tesi di dottorato di ricerca presso l´Istituto di Antropologia di Firenze.

Tsoukala E. (1989) - Contribution to the study of the Pleistocene Fauna of large Mammals (Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla) from Petralona Cave Chalkidiki (N. Greece), pp. 360, ph. tab. LXII.

Budil I. (1990) - Comparative analysis of the basicranial line of the fossil hominids. Med. Sch. Charles Un., Prague.

Gray G. K., Hennemberg M., Kurten B. & M. C. Tellalian-Kyrkostas (1988) - Resolution of the 2nd Panellenic Congress of Anthropology, May 1988. Athens. Published in Anthropos (1990), v. 12: 5-8. Athens.

Poulianos A. N. (1990) - Archanthropus europaeus petraloniensis. PARA CONOCER AL HOMBRE - Homenaje a - SANTIAGO GENOVES. UNIVERSITAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO.

Poulianos N. A. (1990) - Petralona: The key to the Eurasian Lower-Middle Pleistocene. Anthropos 12: 65-90.

Poulianos N. A. (1990) - Η συμβολή των ανασκαφών του Σπηλαίου Πετραλώνων στη γνώση για τη βιοστρωματογραφία του Ευρασιατικού Κάτω-Μέσου Πλειστόκαινου (Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνες, τεύχος 36, σελ. 87-91). / The contribution of the Petralona cave excavations to the knowledge of the Eurasian Lower - Middle Pleistocene biostratigraphy (in Greek). Archaeology & Arts, v. 36, pp. 87-91.

Rabeder G. & E. Tsoukala (1990) - Morphodynamic analysis of some cave-bear teeth from Petralona cave (Chalkidiki, N. Greece). Beitrage zur Palantologie von Osterr., 16: 103-109, Wien.

Bonis L. de & J. Melentis. (1991) - Age et position phyletique du crane de Petralona (Grece). Proc. 114" Congres National des Societes Savantes, 3-9 Apri11989, Paris: 283-289.

Le Floch-Prigent N. & Moschidou-Polizois A. (1991) - The Petralona cranium: C.T. Scan findings. - Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 25 (2): 437-452.

Tsoukala E. (1991) - Contribution to the study of the Pleistocene fauna of large mammals (Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla) from Petralona cave (Chalkidiki, N. Greece). Pre1iminary report. - Compte Rendus a l' Academie des Sciences de Paris, 312: 331-336. Note presentee par Y. Coppens.

Latham, H.P. & H.P. Schwarcz (1992) - The Petralona hominid site: Uranium-series re-analysis of "layer 10" calcite and associated palaeomagnetic analyses. Archaeometry, 34: 135-140.

Poulianos N. A. (1992) - The sex of the Petralona Man. Abstracts of the 1st Panhellenic Spelaeological Congress. Ed. Ministry of Culture - Ephoria of Palaeoanthropology - Spelaeology. Athens Dic. 1992.

Tsoukala E. (1992) - Quaternary faunas of Greece. Courier Forsch-Inst. Sickenberg, 153: 79-92.

Fortelius M., Mazza P. & B. Sala (1993) - Stephanorhinus (Mammalia: Rhinocerotidae) of the Western European Pleistocene, with a revision of S. etruscus (Falconer 1868). Palaeontografia Italica 80: 63-155.

Ikeya M. (1993) - E.S.R. applications. Ed. Kyoto Un., pp440.

Poulianos N. A. (1993) - The taxonomic problems of the "erectus" group in relation to its morphology and chronology. Abstracts of the Pithecanthropus Centennial, Int. Sc. Cong. on "Human Evolution in its Ecological Context". Leiden 26 June - 1 July 1993.

Poulianos N. A. (1994) - Petralona-Boxgrove. Letter to “Nature”. (See also in present website, separate web page).

Kretzoi M. (1995) - unpublished manuscript.

Poulianos N. A. (1995) - La grotta e l'uomo di Petralona. Ed. Istituto di Antropologia - Universita di Firenze (Director Prof. Br. Chiarelli), Via del Proconsolo 12 - 50122 Firenze / International Institute for the study of man - Florence. Editrice Grafica L'Etruria - Cortona, pp. 127.

Grunn R. (1996) - A re-analysis of electron spin resonance dating results associated with the Petralona hominid. - Journal of Human Evolution, 30: 227-241.

Poulianos A. N. (1996) - Η παλαιολιθική εποχή στη Μακεδονία. Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνες, τ. 60, σελ. 17-18. The palaeolithic period in Macedonia (Greece). Archaeology & Arts, 60: 17-18.

Poulianos N. A. (1996) - Petralona provides a new dating to the Boxgrove site excavations. Poster to the 10th Congress of the European Anthropological Assocociation, Brussels 19-22 August 1996.

Tsoukala E. (1996) - Comparative study of ursid remains from the Quaternary of Greece, Turkey and Israel. - Acta Zool. Cracoviensa, 39(1): 571576, Krakow, Po1and.

Budil I. (1997) - Functional reconstruction of supralaryngeal vocal tract of fossil humans and Petralona. Anthropos, 13: 70 - 91.

Poulianos N. A. (1997 a) - Petralona provides a new dating to the Boxgrove site excavations. Anthropos, 13: 199-208, Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1997 b) - The taxonomic problems of the «erectus» group in relation to its morphology and chronology. Anthropos, 13: 209-211. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1997 c) - Thirty-five years since the discovery of the Petralona man’s skull. Anthropos, 13: 518-522. Athens. Reprint from the journal “Mandragoras”, Jan. 1996.

Poulianos N. A. (1997 d) - Historical account of the research at Petralona cave. Anthropos, 13: 523-529. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (1997 e) - The achievements of the Anthropological Ass. of Greece in researching Petralona cave. Anthropos, 13: 645-647. Athens.

Seidler H., Falk D., Stringer C.B., Wilfing H., Muller G.B., Nedden D.Z., Weber G.W., Reicheis W. & J.-L. Arsuaga (1997) - A comparative study of stereolithographically modelled skulls of Petralona and Broken Hill: implications for future studies of middle Pleistocene hominid evolution. Journal of Human Evolution, 33: 691-703.

Poulianos N. A. (1998) - Pleistocene mammals of Petralona cave - Chalkidiki, N. Greece. PhD thesis on Palaeontolgy defended at the Geological Institutes of the Check Academy and Charles University, Prague.

Poulianos N. A. (1999) - Περί αφροκεντρισμού και δημοκρατίας / On Afrocentrism and Democracy, July ed. Davlos, Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (2000) - Anthropological Association of Greece (editing care and original publications in Greek: against racism, concerning afrocentrism etc, material available also in the present website).

Poulianos N. A. (2001 a) - The death of Australopithecuses -in Greek - Ο θανατος των Αυστραλοπιθήκων. Ελλ. Αγωγή. Hell. Agogi. Athens

Poulianos N. A. (2001 b) - Manufacturing evidence of bone tools from the Petralona cave. Abstracts of the 13th International Congress of Spelaeology, Brazilia, Brazil, July 2001.

Poulianos N. A. (2004 a) - A tooth of a second human from Petralona Mausoleum. Abstracts to the 14th Congress of European Anthropological Association, Komotini 1-5 September 2004 – (see: http://utopia.duth.gr/~xirot/14EAA/Abst_p2.htm or here)- finally presented with photos to the 14th International Congress of Spelaeology, Kalamos – Attica 21-28 August 2005, Proceedings, v. 2, pp 574-575. (Reproduced also in the present website with color and more photos).

Poulianos N. A. (2004 b) - The management of Petralona Cave (in Greek)

Cregut-Bonnoure A. & E. Tsoukala (2005). The Pleistocene Caprinae from the Petralona cave (Macedonia, Greece): New interpretation and biogeographical implications. - The Holarctic ungulates of the Pliocene and Pleistocene, 19-22 September 2000, Avignon, France (in press?).

Papastefanou C., Manolopoulou M., Stoulos S., Ioannidou A, & Gerasopoulos A. (2005). Elevared radon concentrarions in a Pleistocene cave operating as a show cave.- Intern. Congress Series 1276: 204-205.

Pappas S., Tsoukala E., Lazaridis G. & G. Rabeder (2005) - Milk Teeth of Quaternary Carnivores from Northern Greek Caves, Preliminary Report. Neue Forschungen zum Hohlenbaren in Europa. Abhandlung Band, 45:169-182, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Í Nurnberg.

Poulianos N. A. (2005 a) - The Absolute Datings of Spelaeothems and Findings from Petralona Cave. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Spelaeology, Kalamos, Attica 21-28 August 2005.

Poulianos N. A. (2005 b) - Data elaboration of ancient Greek burials (in Greek)

Poulianos N. A. (2005 c) - Introduction to the Palaeolithic typology and technology (in Greek, textbook for lessons to the Aegean University - Rhodes). Ed. Kardamitsa, Athens (with special reference to Petralona dokanopetres), pp 150.

Harvati K. (2006) - Comparative 3D geometric-morphometric study of Petralona and Kobwe facial bones. Symposium of the Hellenic Anthropological Association, 5-7 June 2006, Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (2006b) - Aπόλυτες Xρονολογήσεις Ιζημάτων και Ευρημάτων από το Σπήλαιο Πετραλώνων (in Greek) - The Absolute Datings of Spelaeothems and Findings from Petralona Cave. Archeologia & Technes, 101: 72-84, Athens. (First presented orally in English to the 14th International Congress of Spelaeology, Kalamos, Attica 21-28 August 2005). Lastely reproduced, in 2018, by tapantarei.

Poulianos N. A. (2006 b) - «Parody of congress». Announcement – Intervention to symposium of the Hellenic Anthropological Association, 5-7 June 2006, Athens, concerning an allegedly round table on Petralona cave (cfr. also Daphne Poulianos, 2006, p. 561-562). / «Παρωδία Συνεδρίου». Ανακοίνωση - Παρέμβαση στο Συμπόσιο της Ελληνικής Ανθρωπολογικής Εταιρείας, 5-7 Ιουνίου 2006, που συνήλθε υπό την αιγίδα του Παν/μίου Αθηνών και του Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού, αναφορικά με μια δήθεν συζήτηση στρογγυλής τραπέζης σχετικά με το Σπήλαιο Πετραλώνων (πρβλ. επίσης Δάφνη Πουλιανού, 2006. σελ. 561-562).

Poulianou Daphne (2006) - Reversals, concerning the life and the deeds of Aris N. Poulianos (in Greek), pp. 576. Athens. / Ανατροπές από τη ζωή και το έργο του Άρη Ν. Πουλιανού, σελ. 576.

Koufos G & E. Tsoukala (2007) - Petralona: one cave, one prae...history. Ed. Thessaloniki Un., pp. 135.

Poulianos N. A. (2007 a) - Criticism to "Petralona: one cave, one prae... history" of Koufos G. & E. Tsoukala (2007).

Poulianos N. A. (2007 b) - The bibliographic vacums in "Petralona: one cave, one prae... history" of Koufos G. & E. Tsoukala (2007).

Poulianos N. A. (2008 a) - Petralonae Palaeolithicum - The eldest technology of modern humans, pp. 340. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (2008 b) - Αναγωγή ελληνικών λέξεων στην εποχή του λίθου (Greek words since stone age).

Harvati Katerina (2009) - Petralona: link between Africa and Europe? Hesperia (American School of Classical Studies at Arthens) - suplement 43: 31-48.

Poulianos N. A. (2009 a) - The distribution of the Petralona stone tool-types. Anthropos, 14:135-136. Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (2009 b) - The significance of the isolated human premolar from Petralona cave (cf. Poulianos N.A., 2004). Anthropos, 14:181-198.Athens.

Poulianos N. A. (2013) - Significant "errors" of some Thessalonica geologists and archeologists regarding Petralona Cave. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology. Brno 21-28 2013. pp: 88-92.

Grombanopoulou E. (2016) - Τοπικό πολιτιστικό κεφάλαιο και ανάπτυξη. Η περίπτωση του φυσικού παλαιοντολογικού (πλούτου) πολιτισμού στη Βόρειο Ελλάδα: Τα Δημόσια Μουσεία Φυσικής Ιστορίας Αξιούπολης, Κιλκίς και Πετραλώνων, Χαλκιδικής. Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο. The local cultural capital and development. The case of natural paleontological (richness) culture in Northern Greece: The Public Natural History Museums of Axioupolis - Kilkis and Petralona - Khalkidhiki. (In Greek). Hellenic Open University.

Herostratus (: pseudonymus, 2016) - Πολιτισμός & Βαρβαρότητα - «σκοτώστε» τον! στο "Δρόμος της Αριστεράς" (in Greek - Civilization & Barbarism - "kill" him!).

Poulianos N. A. (2016 a) - Νεκρολογία της Άννας Σινοδινού (in Greek - Obituary of the great actress Anna Sinodinou).

Poulianos N. A. (2016 b) - Αυθυποβολή, ο προθάλαμος του φανατισμού. / Autosuggestion, the antechamber of fanaticism.

Poulianos N. A. (2016 c) - Το μεθ' υπερβολής επίγραμμα του Μαραθώνα (in Greek - The exagerating epigramm of Marathon battle).

Poulianos N. A. (2016 d) - What Went Wrong? The real story of the battle at Thermopylae.

Poulianos N. A. (2016 e) - Ομιλία για τις ανθρωπολογικές έρευνες στην Ελλάδα, με "αιχμή" τα οστά των Μαραθωνομάχων (αναπαραχθείσα στο διαδίκτυο). / Lecture regarding the anthropological studies in Greece, concentrating to the bones of the Marathon soldiers (reproduced on the Net).

Poulianos N. A. (2016 f) - "Ανθελληνισμό Ελλήνων" θυμίζει η οδική μας συμπεριφορά (in Greek) / "Hellenic anthellenism" remids our road behavior.

Poulianos N. A. (2016 g) -


Σοφή η πρόταση για

μόνιμη τέλεση των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων στην Ελλάδα


Ο απώτερος; σκοπός της

εκστρατείας του Δαρείου Α΄ εναντίον των Σκυθών το 512 π. Χ.

Συγχαρητήρια Δ-ρα Ν. Α.

Πουλιανού για την ανωτέρω συνέντευξη & προτάσεις

για τα περεταίρω

" "

" "

" "

Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα

ομιλία του Δ-ρα Stephen Lambert με θέμα: Δημοκράτης

ο Δημοκράτης;

Ύστατος φόρος τιμής στον

Κωστή Στεφανόπουλο με σημαντικά, ενίοτε άγνωστα,


Μετάφραση άρθρου της

Libération της 30-8-1984 για Άρη Πουλιανό και σπήλαιο


Μέχρι πού μπορεί να

φτάσει το αντιπουλιάνειο μένος, αφού ήταν παράνομη η


Antonakos A. Antonios (2017) - Περί Αρχανθρώπου, Σπηλαίου Πετραλώνων και η "αλλεργία" της χρονολόγησης (In Greek - As concern Archanthropus, Petralona Cave and the "allergy" of their chronology).

Dimopoulos M. (2017) - Η καταγωγή κι εξέλιξη των ανθρώπων (in Greek - The origin and evolution of humans)

Lekakis G. (2017) - Δεν προέρχεται από την Αφρική ο άνθρωπος (in Greek).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 a) - Διημερίδα για τη δραστηριότητα Γερμανών Αρχαιολόγων στην Ελλάδα από το 1874 (in Greek).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 b) - Ευχαριστίες σε ηλ. επιστολή συμπαράστασης για το έργο της ΑΕΕ από ομογενή της Γερμανίας (in Greek).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 c) - Γεια σου Νίκε Κούδουρε (in Greek - Goodbye to Nickos Koundouros).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 d) - "Ξεχασμένες" γενεσιουργές αιτίες του 1821 (in Greek - "Forgoten" causes of 1821).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 e) - Ανάγκη παραπέρα βελτίωσης της οδικής μας συμπεριφοράς (Remark, in Greek only).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 f) - Αρένες και Στάδια / Arenas & Stadiums.

Poulianos N. A. (2017 g) - Η Ελλάδα ή η Τουρκία είναι ο τόπος γέννησης της τυραννίας; / Greece or Turkey is the birthplace of tyranny?

Poulianos N. A. (2017 h) - A brief flashback on the beginnings of anthropology, various diseases, penile cancer, as well as the circumcision... of Democracy. / Μια σύντομη αναδρομή στις απαρχές της ανθρωπολογίας, τις διάφορες ασθένειες, τον καρκίνο του πέους, καθώς και την περιτομή… της Δημοκρατίας.

Poulianos N. A. (2017 i) - Ουκ εν τη υπερβολή το ευ (in Greek: There is not any good in exagarating).

Poulianos N. A. (2017 j) - Remarks on Ikarian, Horon & Pontian dances.

Vissaltis.net (2017) - Η για 40 χρόνια "απαγορευμένη" ταινία της Λ. Κουρκουλάκου για το Σπήλαιο Πετραλώνων (On Youtube, in Greek only: A 40 years forbidden documentary of L. Kourkoulakou concerning Petralona Cave and Dr Aris Poulianos).

Zerbilis Th. (2017) - "Ο Πόλεμος για την Καταγωγή του Ανθρώπου" (in Greek: "The War regarding Human Origin").