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Title (100 signs incl. spaces)


The reconstruction of the stalagmitic floor, beneath of which the Petralona Man’s skeleton was laying


(up to 100 signs including spaces). The presenting author should be the first author

Dr Nickos A. Poulianos

(up to 100 signs including spaces) including contact information (e-mail address) of the presenting author.

Greek Ministry of Culture, Anthropological Association of Greece, 7 Daphnomili st., Athens 11471

Body Text
(up to 1000 signs including spaces)









Inside “Mausoleum”, a small chamber (~2 x 3 m) of Petralona cave, the known human skull was found in 1960. In the same year its stalagmitic floor has being broken by the order of two Thessaloniki University professors, during a try of seeking the mandible and other postcranial bones. The chamber was subsequently excavated in 1977 by the author and several, more than a dozen of pieces were discovered inside the mixed up soil of the chamber. These fragments present a size from a few cm till 0,5 m in length, incorporating post-cranial broken human, but also animal, bones. On the basis of these stalagmitic pieces it is possible reconstruct (as with a puzzle) the ones existing Archanthropusstalagmitic floor. However various unfortunate events prevented their presentation earlier, something that becomes possible today.