14 February, 2014 - 02:23 johnblack

The controversial Petralona skull and Greek government suppression of information

Recently, we posted an article about the discovery of a skull that has the potential to challenge what we know about human evolution. We have now received an update directly from the head researcher, Dr Aris Poulianos, who has been working against all obstacles to get the information out about this controversial skull.

In 1959, Dr Poulianos worked under the Greek Government on the discovery of a cave in Petralona, Chalkidiki, where numerous ancient fossils were found, including the important discovery of a human skull that Dr Poulianos dated at 700,000 years old (read more about the dating process in the original article).  The consensus among paleoanthropologists today is that the cranium belongs to an archaic hominid distinguished from Homo erectus, and from both the classic Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans, but showing characteristics of all species and presenting strong European traits. According to Dr Poulianos, the age of the skull challenges the Out of Africa hypothesis and suggests the independent evolution of Homo sapiens in Europe.

According to Dr Poulianos’ latest update, the Greek government has been making systematic efforts to hide, diminish and discredit his work, as well as blocking him from further research and excavations in the cave of Petralona.  They have also requested him not to discuss the finding made in the cave. Multiple false accusations have been made by the government to try to spoil his name and his 50 years of research on the cave, yet the European Anthropological Association supports him and has submitted complaints to the Greek Government for this unacceptable situation.

Dr Poulianos has claimed that the government destroys more than 90% of the anthropological evidence found in Greece, and that people who do not hold paleoanthropology qualifications are put in positions of responsibility over important archaeological excavations. 

Recently, Dr Poulianos gave a talk at a high school in Athens, and immediately faced an attack from the authorities, which was directed at both him and the high school that allowed him to talk. The Director of the school has since spoken of the “unacceptable and defiant attitude of the authorities” and wrote: “It is really depressing that a government scientific department writes so many inaccuracies, misrepresentations, lies and threats to a head master”.

It is very sad to see the consistent efforts of the Greek government to hide the truth from the public and destroy the life of people that devoted their lives to investigating and researching for the truth.

You can read the official letter in greek and in english sent by Dr Poulianos to the Greek Government a few days ago.

By John Black





archaeology news







greek government


Ange T Kenos wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 04:32 Permalink

Well folks there IS more. My late papou was from the northern side of the Hellenic border from whence Epirus was cruelly split in half. Papou was from near SOPIKI (not to be confused with a place similar in name). He told me and described in some detail skeletal remains that sound VERY similar to these in a cave in the mountains near where he lived

Jay DBatiste wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 05:02 Permalink

I was able to download the said letter from Dr Poulianos but it was in Greek. Is there a translation in English of the letter?

ancient-origins's picture

ancient-origins wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 06:03 Permalink

We have now uploaded the English translation of the letter, check the link at the bottom of the article.

Ange T Kenos wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 08:25 Permalink

Well folks there IS more. My late papou was from the northern side of the Hellenic border from whence Epirus was cruelly split in half. Papou was from near SOPIKI (not to be confused with a place similar in name). He told me and described in some detail skeletal remains that sound VERY similar to these in a cave in the mountains near where he lived

Jay DBatiste wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 09:23 Permalink

I fail to understand the motivation of the Greek government's intention of stopping and suppressing the work and findings of Dr Poulianos. What do they intend to achieve? Greek and other citizens of the world have a right to know about the history of man's existence and how we came about. The government of Greece is committing the worst kind of crime to humanity by its unwarranted action. What is it that they seem to fear the findings will reveal?

kpr wrote on 15 February, 2014 - 04:13 Permalink

They are suppress this work and this truth because these humans were from another planet and this research outs the govts lies about alien contact and earth history. Its all about the lies about the aliens in almost all cases like this. They do not want us to know the truth because most govts made illegal treaties with an alien group to abduct humans and they dont want us to know about that or the aliens in general because then there lies fall apart. They dug themselves deep into a lie and cannot get out.

Angelo wrote on 16 February, 2014 - 19:04 Permalink

It's all a matter of CONTROL and POWER. George Orwell said it best : "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past".

The officials hide and conceal this kind of information, and destroy the physical proofs, because they don't want people to discover the truth that they hid to millions of persons for decades and centuries. They don't want "their" theories to crumble. They don't want people to know the truth. They don't want people to become too spiritual either, because they want this world to be ruled by their stupid materialism. Should the truth be known and spread, this would cause their System to fail, and it would also cause their downfall.

strik9 wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 15:39 Permalink

Its not surprising that this man and all of his work and information is being repressed. This happens everyday all over the world. I still find it amazing that with all of the people who have discovered,worked on, or wrote about the giant human skeletons over the years, that you cannot find one on display anywhere.Just old photos and articles. Knowledge is power and this recent situation proves it.

strik9 wrote on 14 February, 2014 - 22:55 Permalink

"It is very sad to see the consistent efforts of the Greek government to hide the truth from the public and destroy the life of people that devoted their lives to investigating and researching for the truth". Thats pretty much the way EVERY Government operates today.At least for sure here in the U.S.

Geni wrote on 15 February, 2014 - 16:47 Permalink

all gov's of this world are under the feet of the Zionist (the human proclaimed leaders that have chained humans under the vrill-draconian race).
Our history begins with the fallen angels and the born of the new race (the vrill-mongolian-hebrew) , now they lead the world and are suppresing every bit of ancient history that shows that we humans existed before them and we were an intelligent race. The Pelasgians who lived before in the northen hemisphere came to earth (their creators) from the star Lyra and gave birth to the white race. the galactic wars drove them out of this star system and the ppl that were left had to face the atrocities till the modern days. one day our past will be revealed but its not time yet.

antientarcana wrote on 16 February, 2014 - 03:51 Permalink

There is nothing wrond with info and learning, I think they have a lot to gain by supressing knowledge but sadly we loose a lot more. A lot of what they gain comes down to simply money and power and the fact that they can use fear to run things.

ErectusIncognita wrote on 5 April, 2014 - 16:17 Permalink

I read both former and this article, with great interest and the comments, very interesting, but one thing I don't yet grasp, is that if the Greek Mafia (Government) won't allow further studies, then why don't Dr Poulianos and the team fight it in the European Union, considering Greece is apart of, surely they'd have some sway in getting studies reactivated, unless of course, there is a bigger picture at play. Which sounds most likely, there always is with this type of behaviour from Governments, we've all seen it before. Again, very interesting, hope it gets the attention it deserves... Cheers..

- See more at: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/controversial-petralona-skull-and-greek-government-suppression-information-001338#sthash.LoBGymC8.dpuf