The 2012-2014 elected EAA Council



Dear Colleagues,

Shown below is the result of the vote for the new EAA Council to serve from 2012 to 2014.

All members (375) having paid their fees received a bulletin of vote. A total of 104 votes were received. Committee of tallying consisted of Eva Bodzsar, Annamaria Zsakai, and Laszlo Hricisak and Szabina Szanto PhD students on July 10th


Our rules allow (a) only 2 members are elected for each country, (b) only 3 non-European members can be elected.

The rules state that you have to officially accept this nomination. 

Therefore we asking you (DEADLINE 25 JULY) to send Nick Mascie-Taylor and Annamaria Zsakai an email message (, as soon as possible indicating: (a) your acceptance to be a EAA Council member for 2012-2014 and
(b) if you wish to be a candidate for a position on the BOARD and if yes, in what position.


The board consists of 1 President, 4 vice-presidents , 1 secretary, 1 adjunct secretary, 1 treasurer and 1 adjunct treasurer.


Without an answer from you by 25 JULY we will assume that you do not wish to accept your nomination. We will be in contact with you soon after 25 July with a voting form which you will have to send to Nick Mascie-Taylor by surface mail in a sealed envelope. The tallying for the Board will be undertaken at the 2012 Congress.


With best wishes and looking forward to seeing you in Ankara

Eva Bodzsar vice-president and Annamaria Zsakai secretary

    NAME (country)                                                                   Votes


1. SUSANNE Charles (Belgium)                                                60

2. BODZSAR Eva (Hungary)                                                      59

3. BENNIKE Pia (Denmark)                                                       56

4. MASCIE-TAYLOR Nicholas (Great Britain)                         54

5. KOBYLIANSKY Eugene (Israel)                                           54

6. POULIANOS Nicos (Greece)                                                  51

7. BLAHA Pavel (Czech Republic)                                            50

8. ZSAKAI Annamária (Hungary)                                              50

9. MALINA Robert (USA)                                                          50

10. RUDAN Pavao (Croatia)                                                      49

11. REBATO Esther (Spain)                                                       49

12. TUTKUVIENE Janina (Lithuania)                                       48

13. JANKAUSKAS Rimantas (Lithuania)                                  46

14. GODINA Elena (Russia)                                                       44

15. CAMERON Noel (Great Britain)                                          39

16. KIRCHENGAST Sylvia (Austria)                                         36

17. CHIARELLI Brunetto (Italy)                                                 35

18. SIVAKOVA Daniela (Slovak Republic)                               33

19. GÜLEC Erksin (Turkey)                                                        32

     UBELAKER Douglas (3rd out of Europe, USA)                   29

20. TEGAKO Lidiya (Byelarus)                                                  28

     ROBERTS Derek (3rd from Great Britain)                            28

21. KACZMAREK Maria (Poland)                                              28

22. PROKOPEC Miroslav (Czech Republic)                               27

23. DEMOULIN Françoise (France)                                            27

24. RABINO-MASSA Emma (Italy)                                           27

25. TILLIER Anne-Marie (France)                                             25

26. HULANICKA Barbara (Poland)                                           25

27. YEPISKOPOSYAN Levon (Armenia)                                  24

28. SCHAEFER Katrin (Austria)                                                24

29. BOLDSEN Jesper L. (Denmark)                                           24

30. KAARMA Helje (Estonia)                                                    24